
Travel Agents can be homebodies too, you know?

Last updated April 20, 2023

Ask yourself, what can’t one do from home in this day and age? From ordering food to booking flights, it’s an introvert’s dream. Whoever said a travel agent has to be a globetrotter anyway? The age of stay-at-home travel agents is here to stay. Travel agents are able to book clients, chat with suppliers and do day-to-day admin from the comfort of their own homes.

As we also know, the travel industry has evolved to include remote and hybrid work opportunities. It isn’t without its challenges though – sometimes you need some additional support to seal the deal.

Travel agents juggle so many aspects of the travel process for clients, so getting out of the house isn’t even always an option. This is where Global Accommodation comes in, offering travel agents access to extensive resources, from over 930 000 accommodation options to premium service providers around the world. When you’re trying to streamline your work and up the convenience in your life, additional support makes the world of difference.

Don’t get out of bed to get the job done 

Now, we don’t mean being glued to your phone before you get up. But it’s possible to get some serious admin done before your morning coffee. Let’s be clear, queries from clients come at any and all times of the day. Time zones? They can be a pain, but time waits for no one and neither does your client’s requests.

Luckily, there is a way to make the experience for both agent and customer feel as seamless as possible. Your client needs their laundry done? And it’s vintage silk that requires extensive care? If there is anybody who can handle it, it is us. This way, you have peace of mind knowing that we can help you source the right supplier no matter if it’s a leisure or corporate stay.

From A to B without moving an inch

Getting around in a new country, whether your travellers are there for business or leisure (or both), can be a hassle. No one wants to incur the added cost of missing a flight, so navigating that airport journey can be a source of anxiety for your travellers. But the last thing we want, is for you to feel like you need to hop on a plane to sort things out yourself.

Let’s minimise that work-related stress and help your client. With us, no matter whether they’re on a leisure or corporate trip you can rest assured that their airport transfers are in safe hands. There’s no need for them to become overwhelmed with their trip from the airport to the hotel and back again in a foreign country where they’ve already had enough trouble just figuring out how to say hello and goodbye.

Allowing you to sort out the in-betweens of the airport to hotel travel from the comfort of your home is part of our commitment to craft made-to-fit solutions that work for your client.

Five-star meals? Always on the menu  

We’ve already mentioned the convenience of being able to do things with a click of a button. But when it comes to travelling, food is an integral part of client satisfaction. A big part of engaging with a country’s culture can be through food. If you’re travelling often, food can be the one thing that makes you feel grounded and settled in a new location.

So why not make sure your client gets the best culinary experience with impeccable room service? Having access to extensive hotel and housing options means your client has near-infinite options.

Best of all? You can manage this from the comfort of your home (or couch!)

Logistics aren’t a hassle with Global Accommodation

Business trips are back, just as if they had never left. Ultimately, that means group bookings, hotel stays, and top-of-the-line conference facilities are in high demand. If your clients want to close deals that have more than a few zeros attached to them, they need the right kind of space to do so.

But to be honest, emergencies happen and there can be last-minute interruptions on a key business trip. Let us handle any issues that may pop up at the eleventh hour. Rest assured, you’ll have peace of mind as they’ll provide necessary updates, no matter what the time. After all, travel agent-centric service is what sets us apart. So, what can’t a travel agent do in this day and age? Choose Global Accommodation and you can do this and so much more, without even putting one foot out the door.

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