
The importance of personalisation in accommodation bookings

Last updated April 20, 2023

Making the most of an experience is the lesson that still rings true in 2023. There’s been a major shift in the past three years with travel professionals seeing consumers maximising their time. We see it in how they choose to travel, with clients mixing business trips with leisure activities to the rise of digital nomads aiming for long-term working holidays. The common denominator is that the client is redefining the way they want to engage with travel and how it fits into their lives.

In a world where clients can customise their luggage, phone cases or clothing – why wouldn’t that extend to travel experiences?

Thanks to our interconnectedness, it’s become easier to see what global adventures could be a bucket-list item in the future. Any travel professional knows the importance of being able to stay ahead of the travel trends, knowing the market and providing your clients with services they don’t even know about yet. In the current climate, streamlined and personalised travel experiences are a must. You don’t have to check in the same way you did ten years ago, so why would you want the same kind of holiday?

Make it work for us

As we know, parting with your hard-earned money in this economy means you want more value for your cash. Regardless of generational gaps, the client has become more discerning. You have Gen Z clients who often disregard the traditional 9 to 5 job for a life of work and travel, and Gen X customers who are starting to think about the life they want post-retirement. The past three years have created a sense of urgency and purpose.

Let’s get personal 

To put it plainly, having out-of-this-world adventures are no longer a luxury. The usual travel package offering is being redefined as clients want a more do-it-yourself approach. They’re scouring the internet, seeing what’s on offer and want that translated into travel marketing too.

This means catering to niche lifestyles, like sustainable city tours with fully plant-based catering, or an eco-friendly accommodation spot, and that could include visiting or volunteering at an animal sanctuary.

Personalisation can also look like taking an ancestral tour back to your family’s homeland and getting to know more about the area’s history and how it intertwines with your lineage.  Immersive, sustainable and thoughtful travel is key and has to be adapted to suit each client.

We’re seeing buzzwords floating about like low-impact, low-cost and high value. The client is aware of their impact on the environment and how much they’re spending and wants to know how their money benefits the local economy. In short, the client is surrounded by personalised services in their day-to-day life, from delivery to healthcare and wants those services to extend to all their activities – including their travel experiences.

Being able to provide customised travel experiences is one way to keep a customer and ensure you have returning clientele in the future. But as with most things, it can be tough to know where to start.

What’s the solution?

Adapting is key 

The reality is the need for personalised travel and accommodation experiences is here to stay and will continue to form part of the industry experience. Clients want to feel special and get special treatment instead of just becoming another number. Travel agents are the first point of contact and have the unique opportunity to completely transform a client’s experience. Being able to personalise the entire consumer journey, from private airport transfers, and boutique accommodation to 24/7 emergency support, is what the trend forecasting predicts.

Ultimately, the convenience and exceptional service clients receive is why they work with travel agents. The integral part that travel professionals play means having top-notch support is one way to make any aspect of your job easier. From our expert Global StaySpecialists on hand to assist, to the flexible Corporate or Leisure Stay options – we’ve got your back.

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